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Monday 10 February 2003


Harman Pass Tramp (Day 4) and Arthurs Pass Village



Taipo River Flat near Seven Mile Hut

We looked out the window to see clearing clouds, but after breakfast, they had gotten worse again, and a light rain was falling. We decided to skip climbing over the Kelly range, since we would not be able to see anything, including the markers. So we walked out along a 4WD trak back to the road for 2 hours. After hitching a lift back to Arthurs pass (only about two cars passed before we got a ride!), we washed clothes and bodies and got some food and beer at the café. After dinner I talked with Jennifer for a few hours again, about the hike, what to do next, other travel desires and other stuff. I used my tent for the first time, since I hadn’t booked at the ‘Mountain House’ but this is probably better, since I slept poorly in the shared room. Now I need to decide whether to ditch the Kiwi Experience thing altogether.
