The PHP JPEG Metadata Toolkit - Documentation

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Customising the HTML look via style sheets

Below is a list of style classes which have been used in the HTML for the PHP JPEG Metadata Toolkit. These allow the look of the output HTML to be changed via the use of cascading style sheets.

There are two ways to do this:

  1. Embedded Style sheets
  2. External Style sheets


Both of the following two sections would cause the following visual effects:

Embedded Style Sheets

Include the following in the <HEAD> section of the HTML page:

        <META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Style-Type" CONTENT="text/css">
        <STYLE TYPE="text/css" MEDIA="screen, print, projection">
                BODY { background-color:#505050; color:#F0F0F0 }
                a  { color:orange  }
                .EXIF_Main_Heading { color:red }
                .EXIF_Secondary_Heading{ color: orange}
                .EXIF_Table {  border-collapse: collapse ; border: 1px solid #909000}

External Style Sheets

Include the following in the <HEAD> section of the HTML page:

        <link rel=StyleSheet href="style.css" type="text/css">

Create an external file called "style.css" containing the following:

        BODY { background-color:#505050; color:#F0F0F0 }
        a  { color:orange  }
        .EXIF_Main_Heading { color:red }
        .EXIF_Secondary_Heading{ color: orange}
        .EXIF_Table {  border-collapse: collapse ; border: 1px solid #909000}

Cascading Style Sheets Class List

Any of the following classes may be used to customise the look of the html output from the PHP JPEG Metadata Toolkit