The PHP JPEG Metadata Toolkit - Documentation

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JPEG & Intrinsic JPEG Values Function Reference

Functions for performing basic operations on a JPEG file

Function: get_jpeg_header_data
Description: Reads all the JPEG header segments from an JPEG image file into an array
Parameters: filename the filename of the file to JPEG file to read
Returns: headerdata Array of JPEG header segments
FALSE if headers could not be read

Function: put_jpeg_header_data
Description: Writes JPEG header data into a JPEG file. Takes an array in the same format as from get_jpeg_header_data, and combines it with the image data of an existing JPEG file, to create a new JPEG file

WARNING: As this function will replace all JPEG headers, including SOF etc, it is best to read the jpeg headers from a file, alter them, then put them back on the same file. If a SOF segment wer to be transfered from one file to another, the image could become unreadable unless the images were idenical size and configuration
Parameters: old_filename the JPEG file from which the image data will be retrieved
new_filename the name of the new JPEG to create (can be same as old_filename)
jpeg_header_data a JPEG header data array in the same format as from get_jpeg_header_data
Returns: TRUE on Success
FALSE on Failure

Function: get_jpeg_Comment
Description: Retreives the contents of the JPEG Comment (COM = 0xFFFE) segment if one exists
Parameters: jpeg_header_data the JPEG header data, as retrieved from the get_jpeg_header_data function
Returns: string Contents of the Comment segement
FALSE if the comment segment couldnt be found

Function: Interpret_Comment_to_HTML
Description: Generates html showing the contents of any JPEG Comment segment
Parameters: jpeg_header_data the JPEG header data, as retrieved from the get_jpeg_header_data function
Returns: output the HTML

Function: get_jpeg_intrinsic_values
Description: Retreives information about the intrinsic characteristics of the jpeg image, such as Bits per Component, Height and Width.
Parameters: jpeg_header_data the JPEG header data, as retrieved from the get_jpeg_header_data function
Returns: array An array containing the intrinsic JPEG values
FALSE if the comment segment couldnt be found

Function: Interpret_intrinsic_values_to_HTML
Description: Generates html showing some of the intrinsic JPEG values which were retrieved with the get_jpeg_intrinsic_values function
Parameters: values the JPEG intrinsic values, as read from get_jpeg_intrinsic_values
Returns: OutputStr A string containing the HTML

Function: get_jpeg_image_data
Description: Retrieves the compressed image data part of the JPEG file
Parameters: filename the filename of the JPEG file to read
Returns: compressed_data A string containing the compressed data
FALSE if retrieval failed

Function: Generate_JPEG_APP_Segment_HTML
Description: Generates html showing information about the Application (APP) segments which are present in the JPEG file
Parameters: jpeg_header_data the JPEG header data, as retrieved from the get_jpeg_header_data function
Returns: output A string containing the HTML